NC State Basketball

NC State Basketball Thursday Web Run (12/12)



To be honest, there’s not too much news to report on State sports right now. It’s the notorious slow period around the holidays, but there are a few nuggets floating around out there. Here they are with a few little takeaways from us.


– N&O: Jordan Vandenberg Emerges
Barry Jacobs has a nice piece out on Jordan in the N&O. It’s pretty spot on talking about injuries, logjams at the position and a weight problem that was holding the 7’1 Aussie back. I really think a lot of it was confidence issues that aren’t discussed in the article. Fans were pretty critical of Vandenberg every since he raised expectations with a between the legs dung in his dunk contest appearance as a freshman. He played well in his early chances to spell Tracy Smith, but nothing ever came of it. Jacobs does hit on the fact that Gottfried grew tired of him being content as a backup, which is warranted because he did get way out of shape there for a while. With the weight gain came some real confidence problems. He looked nervous and lost every time he touched the ball last season. This year he’s reshaped his body and is finally living up to (and exceeding) the Pack’s expectations for him.

Key Quote:  “I’m not trying to play for my own personal glory,” he said repeatedly during an interview this week. “I’m trying to get my team somewhere.”


– We were the first to break the news that the Holt brother’s construction company was going to be renovating Reynolds coliseum in the near future and recently a new mock-up of the proposed space has started floating around. The space is pretty much the same on the sides, however in the endzone it looks like they’ll have a glass area, probably for recruits or VIPs. The only problem people seem to be having here is the cost. Looks like State will be dumping $40 million into this project. Sounds like a bit much, does it not?



USA Today: Sidney Lowe Pleads Guilty to Tax Charges
Now on to the bad news. Our boy Sid has taken another fall. This makes me pretty sad, to be honest. I loved Sid, I loved the story of him coming back to save NC State as a head coach. Sadly, it was a crash and burn type scenario from there on out. His teams were pretty undisciplined and he just wasn’t quite ready to handle the duties of a college head coach. That was sad, but I still applauded the fact that he stepped up when no one else would. But now we find out he hasn’t been paying his taxes. Yikes. But hey, we still love Sid, don’t we? I mean, he was part of the most storied year in the history of NC State. See what winning will do for you!?


– Lorenzo Brown getting some major minutes for Philly. As you probably already know, Brown was cut by the T-Wolves (the team with 1000 point guards) and picked up by the 76ers. Last night for example, Brown logged 19 minutes, scored 4 points and dropped 6 dimes. The one blemish? 5 TOs. Zo is going to have to cut the TOs down if he wants to stick with Philly for the long term, however they really don’t have too many other options.


– Next up for the Pack is the 5-5 Detroit Titans. The game is this Saturday at 6pm. It’s on ESPN3 and being played at Reynolds Coliseum.

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