
NCAA hands UNC their response on Academic Fraud



UNC has done their best PR backflips in order to keep this investigation into their academic fraud both confusing and drawn out. Today, however, the NCAA has issued their response to UNC.

UNC started off by saying they did nothing wrong and the rumors were overstated. After more and more damning evidence came out, they shifted their argument drastically. They began a war on the NCAA, questioning their overall legitimacy and whether or not they should be able to have a say in this matter since (as they put it) it was purely an academic issue. Now the NCAA has responded.

We are waiting patiently to hear what they had to say. It will likely give a lot of clues on how the hearing will end up going. Did they back down to UNC’s pressure or are they going all in to make an example out of the Heels? According to Gravley, they will be releasing it after they review it for privacy concerns. The NCAA also setting the hearing date. Will they drop the hammer, or is UNC simply above the law? Either way, the response itself should be pretty interesting. We’re waiting.



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