
Update: Release of UNC ruling/penalties being delayed, AGAIN



**Update: Apparently UNC got the release of the NCAA’s final report (and penalties) pushed back due to a scheduling conflict. Not surprising in the least, since UNC has done everything in their power to drag this out. Andrew Carter is now reporting that UNC has some big fundraiser tomorrow, so maybe they don’t want the bad news to hurt their bank account. Either way, here is the new statement


According to Carolina Insider, Andrew Carter, the NCAA Committee will hand in their final report on the UNC fraud scandal. That report will include the penalties the Tarheels will face.


So, what this means is that after years of Carolina delaying the inevitable, tomorrow the hammer falls and we learn how harsh the NCAA is going to get with penalties. Will it be a slap on the wrist? The (college athletics) death penalty? If you ask us, probably somewhere in-between.

This also does not mean the saga is 100% over. Well, if it ends up being a slap on the wrist, UNC will likely accept the punishment and move on from all of this and it likely will be over. But, if the penalty is harsh, then it’s almost certain that UNC will tie this up in court.

We’ve been told that if they do that, they will want a quick resolution since the punishment will likely stand until a judge rules otherwise. And there is no guarantee that a judge will allow this to be challenged any further. So, for now, we wait and see.

Tomorrow we will have a full breakdown of the report and penalties as soon as they break.

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