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Former AD Debbie Yow says Keatts ‘deserves a reset’ now that NCAA sanction situation is cleared. I agree.



I was a Debbie Yow fan. I still am.

Say what you want, but Debbie Yow was fierce. She was a fighter for this University, but she also was very pragmatic and transparent. She welcomed conversation with the fans, media and wasn’t scared to get on Twitter and voice her opinion.

Yow didn’t have some PR firm running her account. She didn’t hide behind vague coach-speak. She told it like it was. She rubbed some the wrong way, fine, but in my opinion, those people were little softies who get nervous around people with a spine. She wasn’t just a hard-nosed leader, she was a success.

In 2018 she had moved NC State all the way up to 15th nationally in the Director’s Cup (basically a ranking for Athletic programs based on all sports).

Prior to Debbie Yow, NC State’s highest ranking was 32nd in 1994. She took over for a program ranked 89th! In just 6 years she had them ranked 15th. The next year they were almost just as good, ranked 26th, and they continue to shine, finishing 23rd this year (should have been 18th). New AD Boo Corrigan is getting the credit now, but these are mostly all coaches that Yow installed.

So why am I setting up this piece by propping up Debbie Yow?  Well, because some of you have attention spans of mice, and likely forget the type of success Yow brought to NC State. And thus, you will likely delve into some weird argument about her word not mattering because she’s not the AD, yadda, yadda, yadda.

Anyways, in classic form, she responded to NC State fans who called for her opinion after the UNC loss. Here is what she had to say…

So Yow is batting 94% on her hires, and she’s publically backing Keatts, pointing out how the NCAA sanctions have hurt him in recruiting. Something I’ve touched on quite a bit, including in this piece.

But then, the legendary JanJones chimes in and GOES ON THE RECORD to refute Debbie Yow’s claim.

Oh wait, you don’t know who JanJones is? No, neither does anyone else outside of the 144 followers they have on that account. But hey, don’t worry, just because you are an irrelevant Twitter troll doesn’t mean Debbie Yow doesn’t have time for you. She responded…

She’s questioned again… She responds again.

And for those of you on the edge of your seat wondering how JanJones took the direct response. As you guess, JanJones stood down…

But Debbie Yow did not let it go. She was still thinking about it when she went to bed. She was thinking about these people’s complaints and wondering if they had a point, and if so, what that point really was. The next morning she responded with this…

OMG! A woman of the people, folks.

I will say it to anyone that will listen. We didn’t know what we had in Debbie Yow. I true leader, not drunk with power, just someone who loves NC State and wants the best for them.

That’s why, when she speaks, I listen.

The tables were literally turned 5 years ago, when Keatts came in and took a 4 win team in the ACC and turned them into an 11 win team the next year. Meanwhile, Dave Doeren had an 0-8 ACC season under his belt, followed by three straight 3-5 ACC seasons. They were calling the guy “Donut Dave” for the 0-8 season. They were all over Yow for the hire. He eventually turned it around. Now NC State fans praise Yow for the hire.

See how it works.

If there is anyone I can trust on whether or not Keatts really has what it takes to make it in the ACC, it’s Debbie Yow.

For me, you have to earn my trust. You have to earn the right for me to take you as a credible source. Yow earned it with me, and if you were paying attention, she should have earned it with you.

She says to stay the course. Let him reset with the full ability to recruit. Without sanctions hanging over his head.

Look, the truth is, no great player from outside of the state is ever going to pick NC State over a current powerhouse because of the name. They are going to have to be wowed by Keatts, or the culture he’s instilled. And if there is one red flag, they’re gone. That’s how thin the margins are at NC State right now. That’s what 20 years of subpar basketball gets you.

Well, that red flag has lifted. It’s gone. So listen to Debbie Yow and simmer down for a minute. Let’s see what the guy can do with a level playing field.

She believes Keatts is the guy for the job or she wouldn’t be jumping on Twitter to defend him. Who are you to question her? JanJones?

A pasta eatin', Wolfpack lovin' loudmouth from Raleigh by way of New Jersey. Jimmy V and Chuck Amato fanboy. All opinions are my own and you're gonna hear'em.

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2 years ago

This subject is not about how great DY was and what she thinks now. She was a great AD. She has hired some great coaches and two duds- Gott and Keatts. But Keatts is not getting the job done. I have never understood why State cant get a P5 coach that has had a successful head coach career. It just doesnt make sense.

2 years ago

I know we have to all be sick of getting our heads kicked in by Unc n Duke year after year. Do we really think Keatts is the guy to get over that hump.Idk. Since Roy is gone, Are they gonna allow Hubert Davis to get on same routine. Beat State routinely, they’ll beat every now n then that would suck I hope not.

2 years ago

Firing KK now would be great damage to our program. No elite coach would touch the job.
People were calling for DD’s head when things were rough, that’s the internet.

2 years ago
Reply to  Dof87

Will all due respect, if we don’t fire him now we do greater damage to the program. Why not make the move now. Recruiting is already in the crapper. Recruiting has been beyond underwhelming.

2 years ago

With all do respect to debbie the lack of talent because of potential NCAA sanctions is not what concerns me. It’s the lack of changing things up in games when things are clearly not working and lack of discipline in shot selection by some players when in games. In the acc everyone is going to have talent its coaching strategy and discipline thats going to separate you from the field and unfortunately I am not seeing that

2 years ago

I respect Debbie Yow, however I totally disagree with her on this. The program is at rock bottom. Next year will be just as bad. I like Keatts as a person, but he has a stubborn arrogance that gets in his way. His ceiling is a 5th or 6th place finish in the ACC, and that would be at least several years down the road. Cut our losses and make the change now.

2 years ago
Reply to  Hoosierwolf

I agree. I respect Debbie Yow, no question. But nobody is perfect. Yes she had State up to 15th but mens basketball has been a problem for a while. Not a easy fix. I just don’t think Keatts is the answer.


The new plans for the Raleigh Sports & Entertainment District might be a best-case scenario for Pack fans



Change is coming to the area surrounding Carter-Finley Stadium and as the new mock-ups made their rounds this past week, there were mixed reactions.

Some people were mad, some were excited and some were hesitant as to how this would affect Saturdays in the Fall as they have come to know them.

I think all of those feelings are valid. In fact, I kind of went through these phases of feelings when I first got wind of the new plans around the PNC. But as these mock-ups start being released, and I really sit back and look at the whole picture of where this IS going and where it COULD have gone, I feel like we might be getting the best-case scenario given the potential outcomes that were on the table.

Let me explain…


Tailgating is part of NC State Football culture

As a die-hard, lifelong, NC State fan and 2-time graduate of the University, I’ve done my fair share of tailgating.

When I was in college, it was cornhole, Bojangles, and tossing the football over on the fairgrounds lot. Sitting in the back of a pickup truck with a group of friends drinking crappy beer sweet tea while awaiting kick-off.

Since college ended, it’s been parking in one of the pay lots, breaking out the grill, the tent, and the chairs, and tossing the football around with the family until game time.

If you’re an NC State football fan, you probably share these memories and experiences in some similar form or fashion.

Tailgating is part of the NC State football experience. It’s ingrained in the culture here and it’s one of the reasons people feel nervous about any new development or changes to the area surrounding Carter-Finley Stadium.

I feel it too.

In a world where everything is changing around us, we don’t want our Saturdays in the fall to change.

Change is coming and there is no stopping it

But there is a reality here that we have to understand…even if we don’t like it.

The property around the PNC (now Lenovo Center), bordering Carter-Finley to the North, was never meant to be an open parking lot forever. In fact, we’re very fortunate that it’s stayed the way it is for so long.

The initial vision for this area was to create a live, work, play experience around this entire area. A district anchored by sports and entertainment. That was the dream when this place was built 1999.

The land around the PNC Arena (now Lenovo Center) is not owned by NC State University. It’s owned by The Centennial Authority, whose entire existing was put into place by the NC General Assembly to study, design, and provide a first-class, multi-purpose facility for the Triangle region. The property is then managed by Gale Force Sports and Entertainment (A subsidiary of Hurricanes Holding)

If the Hurricanes were going to stay in Raleigh and if NC State was going to continue to play basketball in this arena, then there was no doubt that this area was ALWAYS going to be developed. The question was when and how. 

The Raleigh-Durham region is the second fastest-growing region in the country, only behind Austin, TX. There are more and more people coming into this region and because of that, there are more and more businesses ready to invest in this area. As this growth occurred, it became clear that with nowhere to grow inside the beltline, and with Apex/Cary almost maxing out their space, it was clear that density was about to come to the PNC/Trinity/Blue Ridge area.

Worst-Case Scenario Averted…

The worst-case scenario was that Hurricanes would leave Raleigh, the arena would eventually become obsolete and the land would be sold off to a developer that has no real skin in the game to create a great gameday experience with the land.

(Look at the condos built on the east side of the property – just east of the wooded lot on Trinity. Former tailgating land turned into condos that provide nothing for the gameday experience. This was the fear.)

But what has happened over the past few years has been interesting. The Hurricanes have gotten good. They’ve built a loyal fanbase, and they’ve are starting to introduce tailgating into THEIR culture.

Meanwhile, the Hurricanes have struck a deal with the state to renovate the arena and start the inevitable mixed-use building around the property. Both NC State fans and Hurricane’s fans have been vocal about this development, demanding it take into consideration the gameday experience for not just hockey, but NC State Basketball and most importantly to us, NC State football.

Best-case on the horizon?

So yes, some of the surface parking around the PNC is going away. But realistically, there was no way that was ever staying in the first place. NC State was only borrowing those lots from the Centennial Authority for the time being.

These mock-ups are actually pretty exciting to me, given the situation. I was worried about sterile parking decks and a bunch of apartments, but the new mockups show a real attempt to set aside a large chunk of land that replaces parking (in decks) but builds on high-end tailgating stalls and large, open, pedestrian-only lawn area.

I know the REAL best case scenario would be for nothing to change, for every open parking spot on the property to stay as it is and tailgating as we know it, to remain unchanged. But as our region grows, and as our local teams begin drawing more and more fans, any uncontrolled property is going to be developed. As Wolfpack fans, I feel like the best thing we can hope for is whatever is being developed to provide some sort of amenities for our game day experience.

While it might take some getting used to, I do think we got something here that Pack fans will grow to really enjoy, and an area that will really become the centerpiece of the overall experience.

Imagine College Gameday setting up in this area with Pack fans packed into the gathering area behind them, lined with tailgaters, big-screen TVs, and NC State banners. Imagine recruits walking through the area, being immersed in the experience.

This development could have gone a lot of different ways, but the one we got, I believe is going to be a net positive for NC State in the long run.

Do you agree? Is there a different outcome you were hoping for (aside from nothing changing?).  What are your thoughts?

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Pick and Roll Problems: Is it time to hand PG reins to LJ Thomas?



NC State likes to do two things on offense. They like to get the ball down into the post and use DJ Burns as a point man and they like to use high ball screens to get pick and roll action.

They primarily do this to create switches, but this is the ACC and entire rosters have been created to deal with switches. Meanwhile, the teams that don’t switch as much (Virginia), have been able to push the NC guards out enough to give their man enough time to recover and get back into position.

If you’re going to use high-screens (pick and rolls) to initiate your offense, then you HAVE TO make them worthwhile.

Let me explain…

The pick and roll is the hardest play to guard in basketball if you run it correctly, but you have the right personnel in place.

First off, the perfect personnel would be a big who is big, wide, and has a decent jumper, allowing him to either pick and roll or pick and pop. Meanwhile, the guard should be able to shoot it with consistency and also create rim pressure. If you have all of this and execute with precision, then the defense has no choice but to be on their heels.

Here is how it should work…

1) The big needs to set a nice, wide, physical screen.

2) THE GUARD SHOULD GO OFF THE BIG MANS SHOULDER and start forcing pressure downhill.

If you go off too wide and leave room for your defender to slip through, you’ve failed. You need to set up your defender with the dribble and then take an angle that runs him into the screen. This forces him to either go UNDER the screen (leaving you open for a shot), or over the screen, forcing the big man’s defender to stop the ball handler. If the screener rolls correctly, he’ll have a mismatch

If the big’s defender hedges out to contain, the guard should split the defense and knife to the lane. If the big’s defender sags to stop the drive, the guard should shoot.

Let’s look at the difference.

Here is LJ Thomas, the only NC State guard who constantly sets up his screens and puts downhill pressure on the defense off the high screen.

And here is DJ Horne, not going off the screener’s shoulder and taking it too wide, not putting any downhill pressure on the defense.

I’m not really blaming Horne here. Like I’ve said from day one, he’s a 2 guard by nature and these are intricacies that only come naturally to a true PG. This is why I constantly harp on this staff bringing in a TRUE PG that can thrive in the ‘Pick and Roll’.

Go back and watch the games, this poor use of ball screens has been a constant problem during the Keatts era and the foundational reason people keep saying ”

“The is no offense”… “We play AAU ball”… “We play selfish.”

None of those are true. There are a ton of schools that run the same actions we do and don’t look like they have offensive stagnation.

The real truth is, we fail to do the small things that make the pick and roll action valuable.

I’m sure the staff is teaching this (I hope), but sometimes it’s hard to change the entire basketball instinct of a lifelong scorer, to start playing like a true PG (reading angles, shifting speeds, creating space for others).

However, if you have guys who fail to do this, you have to correct it somehow, even if that means bench time for valuable players. It’s that important.

At the end of the day, this is something the coaches should be correcting as it is the difference between the offense action creating pressure on the defense, and the action being meaningless and forcing us into 1-on-1 iso situations.

So what’s the fix?

The best fix at this point has to be LJ Thomas getting more than 8 minutes per game.

He’s produced quality minutes all season long, and while he does give you a drop in defense (from Taylor/Horne) he has the instincts and skill set that need to be invested in. He’s not going to be a savior for NC State, but he moves the ball and is the only guard NC State has that has true PG instincts, understands how to attack the pick and roll (NC State’s most used action), and has enough skill to be dangerous scoring on 3 levels.

O’Connell does this but isn’t dangerous enough offensively. He’s shooting just 29% from 3 and he doesn’t create enough rim pressure, as he’s not really athletic enough to get in there and score amongst the trees.

This will be the hard part for Keatts. He wants to create massive defensive pressure all the time, but he’s doing so at the expense of offense and hoping the defense can create transition buckets. The problem is, the trade-off isn’t working. The defense is good, but it’s not creating enough offense to balance it out.

If NC State is going to turn this around it’s going to need Keatts to figure out a way to feature LJ Thomas as the point, while balancing the usage of Horne, Taylor, and Morsell at the 2/3. It’s really the only way I see this offense being able to kick into gear enough to make a late-season run.

But what do I know, right?

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NC State Basketball

WOLFERETTI: The unfiltered Kevin Keatts that NC State fans have been waiting for



What is the key to every NC State fan’s heart?

It’s an unabashed, uncensored rant from their coach on being sick and tired of being treated as ‘not good enough’ or ‘not tough enough.’ These rants connect best after a big “I told you so” win.

It wasn’t long ago that Dave Doeren was on the hot seat with Pack fans. Half liked him, half didn’t. But then he started to realize that self-censoring wasn’t getting him anywhere. Politically correct takes weren’t really doing his job security any favors. So the real Dave Doeren showed his face.

He channeled the fanbase when he took a swing at UNC…

He shot back at the media when he called out Steve Smith by name for taking a cheap shot at NC State’s football program, calling State ‘just a basketball school’…

State fans loved every minute of it, dubbing this new unfiltered Dave Doeren ‘Salty Dave.’

The funny thing is, as soon as Dave removed the filter, so did his players. NC State players started sounding off a little bit about their frustration with being set up as ‘second fiddle’ in almost every national media narrative focused on the Triangle.

In a way, they started writing checks with their mouth, and when you have the gall to write those, you better be able to cash’em.

It seems that change in posture by Dave filtered through his program. He had recruited guys that had the same mindset as him, but now they were off the leash and able to show who they really were.

I think that is the difference between this year and years past. I think that’s a big reason you’re seeing NC State football begin to show signs of braking through nationally, and why you’re seeing players from all over the country signing up to play in Raleigh.

What you’re seeing within the NC State football program is the re-emergence of unfiltered sport. It’s celebrating competition and encouraging passion. This is why kids play the game.

Over the past 10-15 years it’s been watered down. Players have been forced to go through classes on dealing with the media and ‘saying the right thing.’ It’s dumbed-down rivalries, it’s stripped the personality from the game and it’s taken some excitement away.

Part of the entertainment of sports is the team element, where people with different backgrounds, different demeanors and different ways of communicating, come together to achieve a common goal. And for fans, we get to watch it all take shape and play out.

Maybe NIL has helped take the reigns off. Maybe kids being in charge of their own brands have helped bring us to this moment and maybe the addition of the transfer portal has taken some heat off coaches needing to always say the right things so they don’t rub a recruit’s parents the wrong way. I’m not sure, but suddenly we’re seeing a different side of players and coaches here at NC State.

We’ve had Elliot Avent for years, and he’s just a throwback who has been speaking his mind from the get-go. Baseball has been pretty successful as of late at NC State. Now, suddenly Salty Dave appears and Football starts seeing real success. And just two nights ago, Kevin Keatts finally got in on the action (meanwhile his team is 5-1 in conference and 13-4 overall)…

This is a Kevin Keatts we haven’t seen in the media. Keatts is usually smiling, joking, pretty PC most of the time. Tuesday night however, he seemingly had enough.

Keatts was tossed midway through the first half after straight-up losing it after a no-call on a fast break. He walked on to the court and laid into the official, getting a technical. But instead of heading back to the bench, he stayed on the court, making it clear that he was ready for them to send him to the locker room.

They did that, but NC State responded with a comeback win, and in his press conference, a masked Kevin Keatts said his piece. And judging by the responses from fans, it was exactly what they’d been wanting.

What made him snap?

Maybe it was the fact that he’s off to his best ACC start of his tenure, yet the media has barely said a thing and a faction of the fanbase still wants to go a different direction?

Maybe it was the mask?

Whatever the case, NC State fans loved it and want to see more of it. ‘Kind Kevin’ was nice for the first 6 years, but I think we can all agree that ‘Cranky Keatts’ is more on-brand for this fanbase.

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LOVED IT, HATED IT: From NC State’s embarrassing 72-52 loss to Ole Miss



These late games are starting to wear on me. So forgive me if I’m not my usual rosey self today, but I’m not going to beat around the bush on this one. The Pack looked downright apathetic, undisciplined, and unprepared in their 72-52 loss at Ole Miss.
Let’s jump right in.


Ben Middlebrooks showed NC State fans his value, notching 13 points and 12 boards.
It was nice to see someone come to play. Middlebrooks played a season-high 22 minutes, thanks in part to DJ Burns showing up soft for some reason against a 7’5″ twig that he’d usually bury underneath the basket (but I’ll get to that later). Middlebrooks matched the Ole Miss energy and physicality, and if the rest of the team had followed his lead, we would have had a ball game. For Middlebrooks, this was his coming out party for the Pack. NC State is going to need a bruiser this year at times, and Big Ben showed us he’s willing to be that guy.

LJ Thomas, nice to see you!
Tonight we saw signs that DJ Horne doesn’t have the intangibles of a true point guard (nor should he, he’s always been a SG) and Mike O’Connell is going to struggle all year against aggressive, athletic defenders (again, we’ll get to this later), so Keatts finally gave his sophomore PG some run.

LJ Thomas played his first meaningful minutes of the season, and while he didn’t light the world on fire, he provided some physicality and stability at the lead guard position. He played 22 minutes, scored 7 points, dished out 4 assists, and only turned the ball over 1 time (he also hit the only 3 he took).

It’s obvious this team is going to need a PG, so why LJ Thomas hasn’t been worked into the mix is beyond me. He’s in his second season, he has a good frame, decent vision, nice shot, and honestly has been pretty effective in the limited minutes he’s played in his career. How does anyone suppose the kid will reach his potential when he barely sees the floor? I know Keatts is in ‘win-now’ mode, but slowly working in Thomas when it’s clear you have no true PG is probably the real ‘win-now’ move if we’re being honest.


(Kids, close your eyes this isn’t going to be pretty)

Ok, I’ll admit it. It’s time to start pointing the finger at Kevin Keatts
I’ve been a Keatts apologist for a long time. I like Kevin Keatts. I think he gets player to buy-in. I think he’s a good talent evaluator. I think his teams are always in shape and always giving a ton of effort. I think NC State could be in a much worse spot coaching-wise, but we’re 7 years in now and there are a few patterns that we’ve all seen that we’ve hoped would work themselves out. However, it’s looking like that’s not happening yet again.

Yes, this was one game, but I can’t make excuses for this any longer. Keatts teams lack discipline in a lot of places.

Sure, they play hard as heck, but they are constantly gambling on passes, trying to get deflections and they are always out of position on defense. Watch NC State play defense against a disciplined team that moves the basketball and understands spacing. They always look like they’re playing catch-up. They’re always a step late, having to rely on constant communication for switches, constantly late on rotations, and always in panic mode on the close-outs. Keatts may look at that type of ‘chaos’ on defense as a feature, not a bug. But it’s been 7 years and guys, it’s a bug. A well-laid-out and executed game plan against NC State almost always throws us for a loop.

Look, this type of defense isn’t bad. In fact, there are a lot of matchups where this defense is going to rattle your opponent, fluster opposing guards and win you basketball games. But there are also matchups where you can learn pretty fast that this type of defense is going to get chewed up by your opponent, and you HAVE to read that early before things get out of hand. Your team has got to be disciplined enough to be able to turn it off and on over the course of a basketball game.

Meanwhile, when real defensive pressure is applied to NC State, Keatts’ teams never seem to step back, collect themselves, and focus on running their offense. Instead, they revert to one-on-one isolation.

It happens EVERY SINGLE YEAR and it doesn’t seem like anyone does anything to stop it. That is not how you consistently win basketball games. It happened with Al Freeman in Keatts’ first season, it happened with CJ Bryce, Torin Dorn, Terquavion Smith, and Jarkel Joiner. Every year there is a guy that Keatts’ relies on to bail out his team with isolation and one-on-one basketball. ENOUGH!

The State fans blame the players for being selfish, but the pattern suggests it’s not the players, but the lack of an offensive system they trust. They just want to win so they’re doing it the best way they know how. And with the way the last 3 halves have gone, it looks like Casey Morsell is going to be forced into this year’s volume-scoring iso guy…and that’s not how you get the best out of Casey Morsell.

Hey NC State, your lack of a point guard is showing!
We all knew when NC State didn’t land a PG in the portal that things might be dicey this season. Sure, DJ Horne can bring the ball up the floor and has a real nice handle, and while you did land Mike O’Connell and brought back Breon Pass and LJ Thomas, none of those guys are ready to be an elite PG at the ACC level.

Horne is a scoring guard (style-wise), O’Connell is a PG, but doesn’t have the athleticism needed to be the main guy for a top tier ACC team. Breon Pass, despite his size, is more of a scoring guard (style-wise), and LJ Thomas looks like a scoring guard but is actually the one guy who resembles a PG out there (however, he certainly lacks experience).

Last night, NC State got punched in the mouth, right out of the gate. And instead of collecting themselves and steadying themselves, they short-circuited, panicked, and fell apart.

If you think that a PG is only good for dribbling up the floor or for piling up assists, then that right there will be. your fatal flaw as you put together a basketball team. A PG’s main role is pace control, emotional stability in the face of adversity and situational awareness. People put all those things in the bucket and call it “leadership” or “coach on the floor”, but it’s a set of skills that make an elite PG, which in turn, can help make an elite basketball team.

NC State doesn’t have that. They haven’t had nor prioritized a player like that in years, and that is one reason you see games like this take place year after year.

What was up with DJ Burns?
DJ is one of my favorite State players in years, but no one gets a pass in these articles. Burns turned in one of those rare performances we haven’t seen since his outing against Creighton in the NCAA tournament, which coincidentally was against another skilled 7-footer.

I know DJ is undersized in matchups like this, but the 7’5″ Jamarion Sharpe is kind of a twig. Burns at times buried him under the hoop, but missed the shot. I’m not really sure what was going on here. Burns was in pass-first mode, in a matchup I felt he would try to exploit.

I was expecting NC State to clear out, and let Burns back down Sharpe (Burns has a 40lb advantage). Once he’s down deep enough, I felt like he’d have to throw a few pump fakes and get creative due to Sharpe’s reach. Burns is a great passer, and certainly more dangerous when he gets deep since he has more options, but it just seemed like DJ didn’t want any part of Sharpe last night. This team is going to need the offense to run through him if they’re going to be successful. Again, void of a PG, Burns is going to have to play that role for this squad and last night he didn’t.

Diarra, our 6’10” stretch-forward, only getting 4 minutes? 
I know Diarra has been getting out of position a lot on defense and it’s bothering Keatts, but the guy is 6’10”, probably your best rebounder and you really needed to match Ole Miss’ ability to be big, agile, and physical. I was hoping to see a front court of Middlebrooks and Diarra for a bit, but never really got that chance.

Now look, Dennis Parker Jr. deserved the start. The kid has been playing great, but in the 2nd half of the BYU game and all last night, he looked a little shaken. And that’s fine for a Freshman, but 16 minutes, no points, and only 2 boards from your 4 man just ain’t gonna cut it. Especially, when your former starting PF logs just 4 minutes.

I know Keatts probably saw something different, but you were down 20 most of the night. I think a little more tinkering with your 6’10” guy might have been worth a shot, unless he’s still hurt, in which case all of this is moot.


We could keep going here and dive into the details, but I think we’re better off moving on. This was only one game, and I’m going to get criticized for overreacting, but that’s what this column is all about. And to be honest, I don’t feel like I’m overreacting. I feel like I’m witnessing this team, with all new players, fall into the same pattern that all of Keatts’ teams have fallen into over the years and I’m terrified of that. I want Keatts to succeed. I think he has the coaching intangibles that could make him a very successful coach here at NC State, but things need to change. Foundational, core principles need to be adjusted or we’ll see another NC State team that is streaky, matchup-reliant, and limps into the post-season.

I’d love to be proven wrong. I’d love for this team and this coach to make me eat these words. But these patterns I’ve glossed over or ignored over the Keatts era aren’t going away and it’s making me pretty nervous.

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